Activate Occupational Therapy

Your Neurodiversity Specialist

Why work with Activate Occupational Therapy ?

Build your child’s confidence.

Teach your child advocacy skills.

Improve movement and coordination.

Develop self-regulation skills.

Understand your child better.

Support for the whole family.


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Is your young person struggling in the world around them?

Does your child find it difficult to make friends or maintain social interactions with their peers?

Are they struggling with academic tasks such as reading and writing?

Are they easily overwhelmed by sensory stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights?

Do they have difficulty understanding or expressing emotions?

Does your family need help to support and understand the challenges your young person is facing?

Are you finding it hard to communicate with your child and understand their needs?

Do you feel confused or overwhelmed by your child's behaviours or reactions?

Are you seeking guidance on how to advocate for your child's needs within educational or social settings?


Help you to understand and nurture your young person by allowing them to unlock their potential and flourish in life.

What are others saying about Activate Occupational Therapy

I would like to share my recommendation for Kirsteen at Activate OT.

As a parent (and also a fellow allied health professional), I would say that she really knows her stuff! Her kind nature and affirming approach to neurodivergence has ensured a positive relationship with my child which has been hugely beneficial to our assessment and therapy journey. He has been really enjoying his sessions and Kirsteen knows just how to get the best out of him.

Before we started our sessions, I knew that OT would be beneficial but I don’t think I realised quite how much. I highly recommend that all ND families have a chat with Kirsteen to see how she can help.


Cannot fault my experience of ActivateOT Ltd in any way. Kirsteen has been so supportive throughout my assessment and beyond. She has a wealth of knowledge around neurodivergence and how our different way of thinking and perceiving the world can impact so much on our lives. I cannot thank Kirsteen enough for all the support she provided as well as the continuing information and advice via the ActivateOT Facebook page 😊


" Kirsteen was brilliant at working with our daughter and communicating with us. She made each session fun, engaging and enjoyable, and delivered a detailed and comprehensive report full of insightful analysis and action-oriented recommendations. We highly recommend her services.”


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