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  • 13/09/2024

    Introduction to Interoception our 8th Sensory System

    Interoception is the ability to sense and perceive internal bodily signals, such as hunger, thirst, temperature, and emotional states.

    It plays a crucial role in how we understand and respond to our physical and emotional needs.

    This internal awareness helps regulate behaviours and maintain overall well-being.

    Difficulties with interoception can impact emotional regulation and self-awareness, often seen in conditions like autism and anxiety disorders.

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    • 22/08/2024

    Sensory Modulation - £7.00

    Sensory modulation involved the brain’s ability to adjust the intensity, duration, and frequency of sensory input to achieve optimal arousal and functioning.

    This dynamic process allows individuals to filter out irrelevant stimuli and focus on important information. Disruptions in sensory modulation can lead to challenges in daily activities, affecting attention, emotional responses, and motor skills.

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    Sensory Integration and Processing - £7.00

    Sensory Integration and Processing.

    Basic introduction to the senses with Kirsteen Occupational Therapist.