Activate OT Blog

School Uniform Solutions
Kirsteen Chassels Kirsteen Chassels

School Uniform Solutions

So, it's August and in Scotland, many schools are set to return in mid-month. 

You have just managed to get into a rhythm of day-to-day life, and we need to change again.  

So here we go! 

Before the kids are even thinking about it we are already getting heightened and beginning to worry about the next steps. 

Never mind the expense of new uniform, shoes bags, lunch boxes and water bottles. It’s the challenge of getting these just right that causes so much stress. 

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Sensory overload/ overwhelm /overstimulation
Kirsteen Chassels Kirsteen Chassels

Sensory overload/ overwhelm /overstimulation

I can struggle with too much sensory information, and it reduces my ability to bring my best skills to the table at that time. I have always described this as a difficult experience to cope with. More recently, I wondered if there was a different definition for each of the statements. Who knew, but there is.

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